Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Speed Workouts with Kickball

Today was our 2nd kickball game of the season and boy was it a workout. I play 3rd base so I'm used to always having to run and get foul balls, however what I'm not used to is running around the bases. Although I can kick hard, it generally gets caught and thus I rarely make it past 1st base. NOT TODAY MY FELLOW FOLLOWERS!!!

Today not only did I get on base, but I scored... TWICE!!

By the end of the game it was tied 4 -4 (woo woo for getting half the points) We had to do an extra inning with a runner on 2nd- other team got 2 runs and we only had one, so we lost (sigh) but I'm just excited because I got to cross home plate twice and it was a great speed workout outside of the traditional running.
As you can see from photo, it was super windy- holding up a 2 to signify 2 runs!!


  1. Oh my word I would love to be in a kick ball league!!! Totally counts as speed work!
