Sunday, March 4, 2012

1st time with tofu, 17 miles, and sunburns

Last week during our 16 miler, J asked if I wanted to do 17 miles for this weekend. Naturally in the midst of the run when I'm tired, HOT, and hungry I gave him the death stare and, perhaps cursed followed by a  "no thanks!" It turns out all that was needed to convince me otherwise was to wake up the next day and NOT be sore... hmm my body truly IS getting stronger.

So learning from last week's mistake of not having enough fuel, I decided that 17 wouldn't be a big deal as long as I was smart about it. I did my traditional Pizza Hut carb load 2 days before, and then had a pizza making night on Friday (a new to me experience)

We divided the dough to make 3 small/medium pizzas

Put them in the oven for a few minutes to get them brown and sturdy
 Chopped up Kale & fresh jalapenos to sautee & add (the combo of the two flavors is AHH MAZING)

First time ever trying tofu- we marinated it in a bbq rub sauce, then sauteed it brown
 and added some bbq sauce 
Combine all ingredients + fresh milk mozzarella and bake (don't forget to top it off w/ fresh basil when pull out of oven)

 The taste itself of tofu wasn't bad (just takes on flavor of whatever you make it with) however the texture is something to get used to. This was the perfect light but flavorful and satisfying meal day before a long run.

Due to having a concert later in the evening, we wanted to get done with the run and have down time before dinner, so we left at 10am this time around.
The weather was PRISTINE- sun shining, not a cloud in the sky, and high 50s with a slight breeze. The route we were taking this go round was MUCH hillier than last week's, so our pace wasn't as consistent as last week's splits, but generally that is a norm for a lot of my routes around town. Regardless of how easy or hard the run is, there's always time to play...

Its a life-size photo frame of me!

Score for finding more animals to 'ride'- one of these days I'll get J to pose too.

We lucked out and had a gas station stop RIGHT at mile 8--- last week I wasn't sure I could handle food, so I just did a coke, my stomach grumbling by mile 14 made it clear I need more fuel.  Coke, fig newtons, and salted cashews--- honestly it was PERFECT

After our refueling I actually felt pretty good- I was tight, and bored at times, but I wasn't 'hating my life' by any means. Thank goodness he doesn't feel the need to talk, because there were many times where nothing was said for several minutes and I was just focused on paying attention to my body and my breathing.
 J is super competitive, so when he sees on his garmin that our overall average pace is slightly higher than 9 min/ miles HE DECIDED that we should get our pace below 9 min and made it a point to shout out every few minutes for the last 5 or 6 miles where we were at. I finally had to ask him to stop.

Our last 2 miles we kicked it into gear to 'better our time' and frankly to just be done.

Last week's 16 mile run also yielded an 8:52 total pace... now thats talent right there.  Despite washing my face at mile 8 in the gas station  bathroom, by the end of the run I was COVERED in salt-- does anyone else get this way, or am I just weird?!?!

Although I put sunscreen on my face, I yielded to  to my legs, arms, back etc-- Lesson learned for next time.
Before shower

 After shower... pic doesn't even do it the best justice

Overall it was a good run. I was tight at the end, but I walk fine and after just one day's rest I'll be ready for another workout. Now the big question on my mind is do I want to run 18 miles?

17.0 Miles- 2:31 overall time
Mile 1- 8:58
Mile 2- 9:23
Mile 3- 8:40
Mile 4- 8:49
Mile 5- 8:58
Mile 6- 9:31
Mile 7- 9:11
Mile 8- 9:12
Mile 9- 9:04
Mile 10- 9:20
Mile 11- 9:04
Mile 12- 8:37
Mile 13- 8:19
Mile 14- 8:21
Mile 15- 9:00
Mile 16- 8:25
Mile 17- 7:54


  1. I say yes to 18, with more treats in the middle.

  2. Wow! Great job. I too get covered in salt crusty nastiness. I am always a sweaty salty mess at the end of just about every run. Go for 18. Sounds like you can definitely do it no problem!

  3. GREAT JOB on the run!!! Love love love. You are awesome!

  4. Wow! Awesome job on 17! And, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that gets covered with salt.

  5. I'm jealous that it was warm enough near you for a sunburn. Way to kill that 17 miles. Marathon in your future?

  6. Ouch on the sunburn. But Woah, awesome job on the 17! Great finish Lisa!!

  7. Speedy! And of course you want to run 18.

  8. I get covered in salt too. Usually it only happens in the summer, but yesterday I walked around for about an hour with salt on my face before I noticed it when I looked in the mirror. Nice job on the 17 miles!

  9. Yes! You do want to do 18 miles!

    Yikes look at the sunburn, that is much worse than the little bit of a burn I got on my arm!

    Our paces are so close, we could do long runs together, if we didn't live so far apart..

    I don't get the crusty salt but maybe it is because it isn't that hot here and I always try to run when it is cooler out?!

  10. Yikes that sunburn! I hope it feels better soon. NICE JOB on your run. I think its awesome you can have coke during a run hahah. I LIVE off diet coke but one too soon before a run makes for a bad run for me!

  11. 17 miles??!! That's incredible! Awesome run! And that pizza sounds wonderful, yum!

  12. WOW and AWESOME! Go for the 18-I believe! :)


  13. I had tofu curry once and did not like the texture of it. I think smaller pieces is probably key.

    On days when it's hot out I get the white salty look on my face/body too.

    You should totally do 18 miles!!!
    All these long runs are helping you build a great base I think you should look for a marathon to run :)

  14. yes to 18! i see a marathon for sure in your future. are you going to push for 18 or take a “slow” week? (8-10 miles). a lot of my training plans have been alternating weekends to give your muscles a rest so I am curious what J’s plan is like.
